

He was late for her this time, she questioned: what took you so long? He didn't answer! He sat catching his breath, she didn't ask again, they remained silent, he was looking at his shoes and she was looking to the sky. She was praying and he was cursing and reviling in silence, he spits a lot though, he finally spoke: I walked thirty miles to find cigarettes stubs, imagine, yet I couldn't even find one stub! As if suddenly everybody stopped smoking! Fuck! Silent took place again, she put her hands in her pocket and took out some coins; take, buy a cigarette! His eyes shined, he grabbed the coins and indeed bought a cigarette, he smoked it away from her, went back to his place, held her hand and kissed it, he descried a cigarette stub next to her, acted as if he was thinking; I’ve never seen that lighthouse before, was it always there? Where? There! She looked where he pointed; he took it away quickly and put it in his pocket! It’s not a lighthouse! It looks like a lighthouse!

Good citizen


Good citizen

Five o’clock in the morning! The heavy sound of rain made me think of that man near the bus station! Him, whose bed was a piece of cardboard, and a plastic bag was his blanket! I am losing my mind trying to figure out why this city is being unfair to him, being harsh on him, he is just an ordinary man! Just a normal guy who lost his mind! Probably he was even a good citizen! I am sure he was! He has that look that my father has, an ordinary man who’s just trying to live his life but the city stops him from doing so! The city makes it hard on him; he can’t understand life around him! He lost the ability to understand! His mind is no more capable of grasping everything! And I’m sure, so sure that some days he was close to doing so! In a specific moment, he gets it all and he wonders: what the hell is happening to me! What am I doing here? I am no crazy! My mind is sane! I don’t have to sleep on the sidewalk at the bus station, Mom! Where is mom! Then, that second when he remembers his mother he loses his mind again! He gets tired of thinking and he just settles for sleep! The city breathes a sigh of relief, for a moment it really believes that he won

I leave my warm bed and I open the window in a desperate try to get rid of this compassion that has always been one of my most horrid problems! I deepen in other people’s problems! And sometimes even in things that didn’t happen yet or might never even happen! But it keeps me up all night

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