Promote You Book For FREE

1) never promote you book where everyone is promoting for example Facebook promoting pages

2) find the groups where are only reader no promoters and don't show readers that you're there to promote your book only. Play with reader.

3) when you are promoting your book on some page don't just send a link because nobody open links no days and people tend to ignore the promotion link 

4) when you're promoting your book to readers instead of asking them to read your book, Go to a group where you post status and ask some random question to get reader's attention for example; ask questions like " what kind of book you like? and wait for them to respond to your question and make sure when someone respond to your question be quick to talk to them. When a reader tells you what kind of book he/she like only then ask them " do you want to read my book? Or would you like to read my book since I want your hones reviews and thoughts about it" and when he says he will look into it give them your book name by writing for example my book is Misery and Anger and then write I'll attach a screen shot for you so you can find it easily. That's how you attract readers

5) make sure you join every Facebook reader group and repeat same thing

6) check my book here :

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Promote You Book For FREE

1) never promote you book where everyone is promoting for example Facebook promoting pages   2) find the groups where are only reader no pr...